Tanzania, Songwe

Tanz, Songwe, PB.jpg
Tanz, Songwe, PB.jpg

Tanzania, Songwe

from $14.99

We brought back another peaberry coffee out of Tanzania! This microlot coffee is grown in the Mbozi, Songwe region of Tanzania and boasts a “microlot” grade, meaning we can trace it back to one farm called “UMI”. Umi was created in 2014 and produces fully washed coffees. Farmers deliver ripe cherries in the afternoons and the cherries are processed that evening. After depulping, the coffee is graded using channels and then fermented for an average period of 18-36 hours before it is washed. After this, the coffee is soaked for an average of 8-12 hours and then placed on raised beds for an average of 8-14 days to complete the drying process, where it is moved consistently to ensure a uniform dryness throughout the lot. The leftover pulp is available for smallholders to bring back to their farms to use as fertilizer. 

We get a high bodied coffee when brewing this one, with subtle notes of dried apricot, citrus zest, and a nice dose of brown sugar sweetness.

  • Region - Mbozi, Songwe

  • Altitude - 5,200 FT

  • Process - Washed

  • Variety - Blue Mountain, Kilimanjaro,

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