Ethiopia, Gogogu Goji

Ethiopia GoGo Thumb.jpg
Ethiopia GoGo Thumb.jpg

Ethiopia, Gogogu Goji

from $15.99

A high scoring, naturally processed, Grade 1, Ethiopian with bright fruit flavor and nicely rounded mouthfeel. Winey acidity along with fresh picked berries, sugary sweetness create a stunning Ethiopian profile. Delicate, yet full, with notes hinting at raspberries, ripe strawberries, and deep winey sweetness.

  • Region - Gogogu, Fuji

  • Altitude - 6,800 ft

  • Process - Natural (dry) (on raised beds)

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This coffee comes from the Gogogu washing station in the Kofee district of Guji, Ethiopia. This washing station produces both washed and natural coffees in the traditional Ethiopian way of processing ripe cherries. Over 700 farmers deliver cherry here from roughly 5km in each direction from the mill. Average farm size is roughly 2 hectares and coffee is the main source of income in this region. Average rainfall here is 1600-200mm and they typically are picking coffee from mid-December through the end of February. 

Typically farmers in this region don't have access to and therefore do not utilize fertilizers or pesticides in the production of coffee.